Programs EN

Stop violence against the children

Since the January 1st, 2014 LC "Adilet" has launched the project, "Stop violence against the children" with the assistance of the European Union, as well as technical assistance representative DCA Central Asia.

Purpose of the project:

Elimination of all forms of violence against children in the Kyrgyz Republic through interruption of silence on violence against children and promotion of children and communities of internal migrants intolerant attitude to violence.

Tasks of the project:

1. Improving the right margin and policies to protect children from violence and promote the social inclusion of children of internal migrants.
2. The Strengthening children and the communities of internal migrants through the provision psycho-social support by the communities themselves and the provision of direct services to prevent and resolve child abuse.
3. Raising public awareness and interrupt the silence on violence against children.


Beneficiaries of the project are - children who are in difficult life situations.
Children who are in difficult life situations are:
- children who are left without parental care;
- children with limited health abilities;
- children in conflict with the law;
- children who are victims of violence or crime;
- children living in low-income families
- working children;
- street children;
- children in conflict and emergencies, whose activity is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances;
- as well as children who can not overcome these circumstances alone or with the help of family.


Beneficiary of the project services are provided in the form of qualified legal assistance and social assistance;
Legal aid is available by beneficiary in the form of:
  • consultations on civil, criminal, family, administrative, labor and other laws, which affect the rights and interests of minors, as well as on documentation (receipt/recovery of KR passport, birth certificate, social security certificate, registration certificate and t . etc.);
  • drafting of legal documents;
  • representation in government, law enforcement and judicial authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic;

Social aid beneficiary provided in the form of consultations on social issues:

  • documentation (receipt or recovery of birth certificates, passports, identity and social protection, etc.), establishing guardianship, adoption, device to school and social benefits;
  • as well as consulting on other matters affecting the rights and interests of minors.
  • Legal and social consulting as part of the Project may be provided throughout the country, with the exception of exit counseling;

Legal and Social Assistance on the Project provided in Bishkek, including housing estate and buildings adjoining the city of Bishkek.