Publication  EN

Analysis of international standards, national legislation and law enforcement practice in Kyrgyzstan in the field of observance of the right to freedom of speech and information

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Representatives of civil society, scholars, the mass media and governments of different countries constantly discuss the significance of the right to information. Right to information is a natural and inalienable right of a human being and citizen. Freedom of information – is one of the key features of civil society. Mass information is one of the varieties of information. In this way A. Malinovsky who dedicated his PhD thesis for researching issues of freedom of mass information, defines mass information as “combination of data adequately
reflecting the processes of social life, intended for unlimited range of persons, distributed by mass media by means of special technical systems and equipment”. 
American journalist D. Cater named the press, radio, TV as “fourth” (after legislative, executive and judicial) branch of power. This metaphor has become widespread, and to a large extent due to the efforts of media. Without a doubt, the media, being one of the most important institutions of modern society, plays a dominant role in ensuring freedom of information, being at the same time the main tool for expression and formation of public opinion. Media has gained special importance in modern society with development of technical means of communication, amongst them a television. Perception and interpretation of the most important developments and events taking place in Kyrgyzstan and in the world are carried out through the media and with the help of media.
In Kyrgyzstan, over the years since the acquisition of sovereignty in the system of mass media important changes have taken place. The objectives of this report are: analysis of the legislation status affecting the mass media activities, as well as regulating the right to freedom of expression and freedom of information; preparation of the recommendations on the legislation development and law enforcement practice to guarantee the protection of freedom of speech and freedom of information.